Saturday, February 7, 2015

Shakeology Saturday: Part III

Let's see....sounds like blueberry....looks like blueberry....nope,'s BILBERRY!!

So what's the difference?

Well, to be honest...not a whole lot. Which, considering the fact that they're both AMAZING for you, is just great!

Obviously, there's a difference in the names:
Bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus
– Also known as (Wild) European Blueberry and Whortleberry

Blueberry, various plants in the Vaccinium family
– Also known often as American Blueberry

But I'm just going to go ahead and just dive right in to the juicy details about why bilberry is so great:

So first off, where do you find these things? Well, they're grown in a lot of places all around the world, but grown naturally in the wild, you'll be more apt to find them in the more northern parts of the Northern Hemisphere (Scandinavia and Nordic countries, if you're looking over at Europe).

And what is it about them that makes them so great for your health? Well...

  • They have higher vitamin C content than in cultivated blueberry
  • They also have higher vitamin E content than in cultivated blueberry
  • Very high content of anthocyanin...multiple times higher than in cultivated blueberry
  • Rich in antioxidants, which help fight against free radical damage
You've probably heard all sorts of benefits of vitamins C and E, but what's the deal with anthocyanin? Well, there has been evidence that shows that they help fight cancer, diabetes, inflammation, aging and neurological diseases, bacterial infections, AND fibrocystic disease. Pretty sweet, right? And because of the antioxidants found in bilberries, this powerful little plant may also help in preventing blood clots!

I don't know about you, but I'm kind of impressed that this teeny little fruit can pack such a punch! And the crazy thing? You could go buy some bilberries for a couple bucks per ounce...or you could just drink your Shakeology and get your bilberry fill there! Along with SO much more! It's crazy to think that this is just ONE ingredient in this amazing meal!!

As always, feel free to let me know if you have any questions! I hope you have a swell weekend! Join me next month for the next round of Shakeology Saturday!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Shakeology Saturday: Part II

Happy New Year, y'all!!! Here's to an AMAZING 2015!!

The ingredient of this week is......

You know one reason why I'm loving this Shakeology Saturday series? The fact that it's giving me more motivation to learn about the ingredients in this meal that I love so dearly. 

So, some stuff about AMARANTH!

- It’s Actually A Seed: Like quinoa, amaranth is not technically a grain but is the seed of the amaranth plant. One plant can produce up to 60,000 seeds. Talk about efficient!!

- It Contains Lysine: Most grains like wheat are short on lysine, an amino acid, but that’s not the case for amaranth. This makes amaranth a complete protein, because it contains all the essential amino acids. Lysine is an essential amino acid, which means the human body cannot produce it. We have to get it strictly through our diet!

- Amaranth Contains Protein: Amaranth’s protein content is about 13 percent, or 26 grams per cup, which is much higher than for most other grains. To compare, a cup of long-grain white rice has just 13 grams of protein. Not too shabby!!

- It’s A Source Of Key Vitamins And Minerals: Amaranth contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. One cup of uncooked amaranth has 31 percent of the RDA for calcium, 14 percent for vitamin C, and a whopping 82 percent for iron. Remember, this is just ONE ingredient in Shakeology!!

- It Grows Around The World: Though amaranth is considered a native plant of Peru, it is now grown around the world in countries including China, Russia, Thailand, Nigeria, and Mexico. It has also become a part of the cuisines of parts of India, Nepal, and the African continent. There are even farmers growing it in parts of the United States, including Nebraska and North Dakota. Pretty diverse plant!

- Amaranth Is Good For Your Heart: Several studies have shown that amaranth could have cholesterol-lowering potential. For example, in 1996 an American study found that the oil found in amaranth could lower total and LDL cholesterol in chickens. Another published in 2003, out of Guelph, showed that amaranth has phytosterols, which have cholesterol-cutting properties. Yay for happy hearts!!

- It Can Help Keep You Regular: Among its other impressive nutritional stats, amaranth is also a source of fiber with 13 grams of dietary fiber per uncooked cup compared to just 2 grams for the same amount of long-grain white rice. Now tell me that's not appealing!

- Amaranth's Protein Is Close To Animal-Based Protein: The Institute of Nutrition on Central America and Panama in Guatemala conducted a comparative study between the protein in amaranth and cheese protein. Researchers concluded that the protein in amaranth is among the most nutritious vegetable-based protein and can be considered on par with protein from animal-based products. Great news for you vegetarians, or folks who simply aren't a fan of meat!

So there you have it! Just one more teeny insight into why Shakeology is so freaking amazing. Have a fantastic weekend!


Tuesday, December 30, 2014


You know...I've never really been one for New Year's Resolutions. They always seemed so cheesy to me, and I always thought that if I only made goals at the start of a new year, nothing would ever get done. Like, ever. I mean, I should always be working and growing, right? Right.

However. I am realizing the value that lies within the basic idea of the New Year's Resolution. Due to the nature of the holiday, inevitably we all think about the idea at one point or another. Whether that means you sit down and write out your resolutions, or it's just a fleeting thought recognizing that it's a "thing".

I'm noticing more and more how often I hear people talking about something they "wish" or "hope" will happen. And too little do I hear the words of action that will make these things happen. I've totally been guilty of this. Still am. So this is something I am committed to changing for this upcoming year. There are so many things that I "wish" and "hope" will happen...but just wishing and hoping isn't going to get it done. So I am going to have to work to make them happen.

The New Year can bring about some great personal reflection, if you let it. Take a good, hard look in the mirror. What was successful in the last year? What was not so successful? Be proud of the good moments! And take the mistakes and stumbles you made, and allow yourself to GROW from them! What can you do to make those weaknesses work in your favor instead of against you?

I think a big reason why people despise New Year's Resolutions is because of a fear of failure. We all have it. But you know what? The time is going to pass by you whether you try or not. And chances are, no one is going to judge you for your efforts. Chances are, you'll be admired for it. And even if you're not, does that really matter? Think about it. How are other people's opinions affecting your life? Call me crazy, but I believe that how you feel about yourself is more important than what someone else thinks about you. Life is so much more enjoyable and productive when you're not constantly worrying about how you appear in the world.

So forget anyone else for a minute. Shut out the world. The loud, busy, always-looking-out-for-number-one, dog-eat-dog, crazy world. What do you want? What are some things that you want to achieve? What are some things that would even just be nice to have? Don't worry about what it takes to get there. Just imagine the life that you want. I'll give you a minute.
Got it? Have you painted your picture? Is it solidified in your mind? Good. Now, write it down. In words, in a picture, whatever works for you. Just get it out in the world in a tangible form. Go ahead...I'll wait for you again.
Done? You sure you got it all? I don't want you to miss anything. This is important! Got it? Okay good. Oh, it's just beautiful! I love it!

Okay, next I want you to think for a you believe you're worth having all these things? If you don't believe it as this moment, I want you to get to the point where you do. Because I tell you're an incredible human being! You've got SO much to offer! And you deserve everything you've ever wanted!! So do whatever it takes to know that you deserve it all! If you don't think you can do that, come talk to me. Seriously. I will help you see it. Because I can guarantee you're worth it.

Alright. So the next thing I need you to do is write down the steps you have to take to earn these things. Because that's the do have to earn them. No one is just going to pop out and hand you your dream. Hate to break it to ya, but that's not how this works. You do have to work. If you're not willing to do that, then you can go ahead and close out of this page and go about your life. I do not believe in instant gratification. I believe good things take time. That's why it takes 9 months to make a baby. Or why you have to wait for the dough to rise before you cook it. Or why we have 365 days every year to achieve our dreams. The work you put into it makes it that much sweeter. So break down your goals into baby steps. If you're not sure what it's going to take, learn what it will take!! Do your research! Don't wait around! There's just no sense in that!

If you're still with me, reading this, I totally commend you. I know I can get on my soap box sometimes. But I just really want everyone to be able to reach their potential. That used to be one of my biggest fears...that I wouldn't fulfill my potential. And I used to let that hold me back. Which totally doesn't make any sense. Anyway...take these things that you've written down, and put them in a place where you will see them every day. Take the time to actually look at them and think about them, and to move forward on them every single day.

And that's all I've got. I'm starting a new challenge group on January 12th. This is seriously the best way to be held accountable to reach your goals. If this is something that appeals to you (and it totally should...seriously), please let me know. I would love to talk to you about your goals and even more so, to help you reach them!! If it sounds scary to you...GOOD!! It should scare the crap out of you!! So. Let's talk :)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Shakeology Saturday

I've decided to create a new monthly series. On the first Saturday of every month this year, I'm going to pick one ingredient from Shakeology and talk about what it is and its benefits are. If there is a specific ingredient you would like to see me talk about, just let me know and I'll make sure to post about it sooner than later.

Before I talk about this month's ingredient, I want to share my all time favorite video about Shakeology. It features the famous celebrity trainer, creator of P90X, Tony Horton. I think it's absolutely hilarious:

It's okay if you don't find it as funny as I do. We can still be friends. But even if you didn't find this video too entertaining, hopefully you learned something new from it. Like, not to buy Fatty Fat Chips at the store where Tony works.


The ingredient of the week is....

This fruit is native to Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela, where it grows mostly in the flooded areas of the Amazon rain forest. The natives generally use the leaves and fruits for medicinal purposes. Here are some quick facts about this bright, lemon-sized fruit:

- It is chock full of vitamin C...60 times more per serving than your average orange! This is not only great for preventing and treating the common cold, but it also aids in the healing process of cuts, broken bones, burns, and has great antioxidant properties. It has also been found to help prevent asthma, benefit your heart, protect against cancer, and support healthy levels in blood sugar (great news for diabetics!).

- It contains the essential amino acid, valine. This is important, because we have to get essential amino acids from our food, since our bodies can't produce it. The body uses valine to prevent muscle breakdown, and also helps the nervous system and cognitive function.

- Camu camu also contains potassium, which is important for the health of the heart and kidneys.

- Leucine is another essential amino acid that you can get from this wonderful fruit. Leucine is important for the growth and recover of bone and muscle tissue, and in the production of growth hormones (forget the's all about that camu camu!!)

- How about a non-essential amino acid this time? Serine is great for digestion! It helps break down the bonds in proteins and polypeptides so that our bodies can actually use them.

- There are several different flavonoids that assist in giving camu camu is awesome color. For us, thought, they are antioxidants, and also neutralize those nasty free radicals. 

- Another antioxidant found here is gallic acid. It also appears to have anti-fungal and anti-viral properties!

- Here's another acid with antioxidant properties: ellagic acid! There has also been research for anti-cancer effects (but the research is still in the early stages), and indicators for anti-diabetes effects.

- Camu camu is also great for inflammation, which is great news! Inflammation is what makes most diseases perceptible to an individual. Anti-inflammatory is great for anyone who deals with arthritis, migraines, headaches, acne, asthma, autoimmune diseases, celiacs, and the list goes on and on. 

And there you have it! Just one amazing ingredient in Shakeology. And it doesn't get all broken down and processed to make its way into this shake, which I think is amazing. They literally just dry it out, crush it up, and give YOU all these benefits!! I'm thinking this ingredient may have something to do with the fact that my acne has improved like crazy since I started drinking Shakeology...thank heavens! 

Have a super swell weekend everyone :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The First One

Want to know a secret? I've had my blog up for at least a week and a half now. And I've been so stoked about it. But I haven't been able to share it yet...because I have had no idea what to write about. 
Writer's block.
And this is a brand new blog.

So I started thinking about what's important to me.
My faith.
My husband.
My family. 
My friends.
My health - emotional, physical, and spiritual.

And then I started thinking about the things I do to take care of these things that are important to me.
Read my scriptures.
Attend the temple.
Reach out and connect with others.
Read more books.

And so now as I read back through these lists, I can see that the way I handle just about everything in my life has changed in the past 10 months or so.

I have taken more time to read for my personal development.
I have been given a stronger desire to apply the things I learn.
I have learned more so the importance of working hard, and not giving up.
I have gained a new perspective with regards to the "big picture". 
I have a greater desire to build relationships with old and new friends.

And I have BeachBody to thank for most of these things. Because of the values BeachBody has, the environment it presents, and the amazing people I have the privilege to know and work with, I have grown so much.

I really could not be more grateful.